Choosing a new hair dryer

Choosing a new hair dryer can sometimes be hard work. It may be an electrical appliance that you use most days so you need it to be good, but you don’t get the opportunity to try them out in the shops. All you have to go off is the specification on the box and although two dryers can seem to be the same, they may well perform totally differently.

You also need to think about the accessories that come with it. Most hair dryers come with a directional nozzle, but not all so it is important to check. If you want a diffuser too, then again double check before buying as it is often not included with all hair dryers as standard.

Some hair dryers have loads of extras such as brushes, hair bands, clips and even a hard case or bag. It is always worth looking out for these sorts of deals as often you can save a lot of money compared to if you would of had to buy it all separately.

Some places will allow you to return electrical items if you are not satisfied with it. But it may be that you have to return it to the manufacturer and not the shop you bought it from.